Google Assistant : Can’t Discover Home Automation Device

A smart home is pretty easy to manage and needless to say, can be equally tricky. With Google Home, all your smart devices work great. The excitement is real when you set up a new smart bulb and control it with your voice commands. After getting used to controlling the devices with your voice commands, it is even unthinkable to get back to conventional controls. Hence, when the smart bulb in your bedroom doesn’t pay heed to your commands after a few months, the pain is solid.

Clearly, the issue is that your lovely Home Assistant is unable to discover the home automation device. Thankfully, since it is smart, getting things working again won’t be much difficult. The workaround given here is quite easy and quick.

Add the Device

  • Click open the Google Home app.
  • Touch Menu > Home Control. See if the smart device in question is enlisted.
  • If not found on the list, tap the + sign to add it to the Home devices.
  • Click the device and give it a nickname.
  • Assign it to a particular room in your house.

Resync the Device

  • Mutter “sync my devices” to your Google Assistant.
  • The command makes the assistant check all the Home-linked apps and services for a new device.

Check the Device Compatibility

  • As obvious as it may sound, it doesn’t hurt to double check if the smart device to be connected is compatible with the Google Home app.

There you have it, the solution to your issue with the Google Home assistant. We hope you found your way out of the problem. Or did you have another method working for you? We'd appreciate you sharing it in the comments section below.

For experts assistance, contact us Toll-Free 1-877-220-4708.


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