Hey! It is a very interesting process for printing on Transfer papers. Most inkjet printers support printing on these papers. Laser printers do not support this feature.
Use a laser certified transfer paper to start the printing process on inkjet printers. Certain products need to be heated to 325-degree Celsius for more than 15 minutes. Heating is provided to transfer images from paper to clothing. There are exceptional objects which do not support this heating technique. They are pens and other plastic items. Use products of high quality, light colors, 100% cotton or blend fabrics.
A little practice is required to modify the ironing heat, pressure and time for transferring on different clothing materials. It is better to use light color clothes as it suits this feature. You cannot use this printing process on pens. The heating procedure may vary based on the products. The transfer sheets can be used for large surface clothing. As the surface of the pen is small, it is impossible to print any logos on it. If you wish to print on the pen, then use the printing machine for the object. It will surely help you to print logos. Exerting pressure on certain objects may lead to product damage. Handle them with care while transferring heat.
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