Alexander Graham Bell takes the vow of inventing the telephone. Likewise, the 3D Printing is a significant invention made by Charles Chuck Hull. He was awarded a US patent for developing the first stereolithography machine.

Doctor Hideo Kodama of Nagoya Municipal Industrial Research Institute released an article similar to the 3D printing technology, few years before Charles Chuck. But, Hideo could not succeed in completing his patent requirements.

A team from France Jean-Claude Andre, Olivier de Witte, and Alain Le Mehaute filed a patent but could not succeed. Hence the honours and success will go to Charles Chuck Hull for inventing the 3D Printers. During the period of the 1980s, he used UV light and UV curable plastic to enable three-dimensional parts from the files. During the invention, it was named as stereolithography, and the name 3D printer came later on.

The first 3D printer came from the MIT. Emanuel M. Sachs, John S.Haggerty, Michael J.Cima, and Paul A.Williams. They used binder jet printing. Binder jet printing uses the inkjet printing method. It paved the way for different types of materials such as sand, metal and ceramic for casting the moulds. The Binder jetting is not the first 3D printing technology, but it is widely used in recent times.

S.Scott Crump invented Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) technology. He tried it by making a toy frog for his child using the hot glue gun. Enhanced this technology through computer control. Dr.Adrian Bowyer created the open source 3D printer that can print its components.


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